Our stores

Verso Antwerp
After nearly three decades of experience in luxury fashion, Verso has become a well-established name in Antwerp.
What started out as a men’s boutique a couple of blocks away has now rooted itself into a unique concept store in a beautifully restored 16th century mansion. When they moved from the Huidevetterstraat to the Lange Gasthuisstraat, Verso took the opportunity to integrate a new women department.

Verso Knokke
In 2018, Verso decided to broaden their horizon and explore the seaside: Verso Knokke was born. Verso Knokke is the latest addition to the (Verso) family. After its success in Antwerp, the Dheedene family decided Verso should branch out to the seaside. To many people from Antwerp, Knokke is their second home.
With a unique collection for men and women, it aims to captivate the essence of both the residents and local tourists of Knokke.